Tourney To Series

Rules and Information

Current Status:

TTSeries Season 10: registration open until Sept 6. Starts Sept 9.

TTSeries Season 9: started March 11, ended on May 20.

TTQueen 10: rules will be reviewed and updated. This season will be skipped.

  • Join Shogi Harbour Discord
  • Register on discord’s #tt-series-registration channel
  • After you are accepted, you will get a new role and see tournament specific new channels
Format of the registration message:
General information:
- You confirm that you read, understood and accepted the rules by answering the question at the bottom
- You are applying for given category (TTJ/TTS/TTM/TTK/TTQ)

Participant information:
- your discord tag
- your 81dojo account name
- your time zone (e.g. UTC+1), and if your time zone will change in the next 3 months (daylight saving time) add the date of that change with the new time zone
- your preferred days of the week to play
- 81dojo MAX rating (find it in your profile) (1)
- link to your 81dojo account / profile (2)
- your country and if different, your citizenship

(1) If you have alt accounts, input your highest rating. If your rating is provisional or you have better rating on other website / OTB, discuss with organizer in private message about which tourney to join.
(2) Probably

(!) as you read in the rules, the provided information will be publicly visible on a google sheet to help tournament organization
(!) you can correct any of the data during the tournament by messaging the administrator

Video tutorial on discord and tournament flow: TTSeries Tutorial

Example of a message:

- yes
- _bushman
- oneye
- UTC+1
- everyday, evenings
- 9001
- Switzerland, Polish

Recent changes

  • all categories, starting from season 10:
    • TTK finals now to be played with a webcam
    • added bolded word: “Sennichite (repetition draw) is to be replayed immediately with swapped colors.”
    • if the opponent doesn’t answer a message within 2 days, please send private message to Shogi Harbour. The organizer will deal with the issue without involving you personally.

Rules from last season that I (might) have not included officially in the rule list yet:

  • all categories, starting from season 9:
    • reschedule deadline – you cannot reschedule the game if it is in less than 24h; unless opponent will be kind enough to agree
    • for scheduled games – a new requirement using the discord time stamps to announce the game in the the #schedule-report (some fellow shogi fans wants to watch games live)
    • clarification that colors are random (random Sente/Gote)
    • additional a half-warning-point, if player is late to schedule the game (2 days no answer to #match-arrangements or DMs); 2 warning points result in forced withdrawal

  • In the future possibly:
    • special role / or hall of fame? for “loyal participants” who joined 5 seasons and played all games; (how to keep track of participation count? game count?)
    • one game per week analyzed on discord server or youtube (time is of issue)
    • players posting one of their games at the end of the tournament with their short commentary why (e.g. this is my best game yet!)

Introduction & Rules

Tourney To Series or TTSeries are a set of tournaments organized by Shogi Harbour (Karolina Fortin, Ladies Shogi Professional).


  • the main tournament rewards are sponsored by Shogi Harbour
  • Tourney To Queen teaching games are sponsored by Japan Shogi Association’s Joryu Kishi Kai (trans. Ladies Professionals Assembly)

General Information

Each tournament is for players of different skill sets from beginners to advanced players.

Each tournament consists of 9 rounds, played at pace of one game per week. That means one season takes around 3 months to complete.

All arrangements are done through Shogi Harbour’s Discord server, so it is necessary to have registered and email-confirmed account on Discord, and to accept discord rules.

In case of any additional questions contact server owner, Shogi Harbour (discord tag: _bushman or email:

Main Tournaments categories
  • Tourney To Jouzu* or TTJ – players below 5 kyu rating
  • Tourney To Shodan* or TTS – players from 5 kyu to below 1 dan rating
  • Tourney To Masters or TTM – players from 1 dan to below 4 dan rating
  • Tourney To King or TTK – players from 4 dan and above
Side tournaments
  • Tourney To Queen or TTQ – tournament for women only

*Translated from Japanese jouzu means skillful and shodan means 1 dan.

Top (not current) 81dojo rating counts. Temporary rating (given at the time of an account creation) might not reflect the actual skill of a player, so rating might be reevaluated based on the current one. Other websites/real ratings must be considered – in case of doubt discuss your placement with the organizer.


Professional games
  • The winners of the main tournaments will have a chance to play a handicap game against a shogi professional, sponsored by Shogi Harbour.
  • TOP3 players of TTQ will have a change to play a handicap game against ladies shogi professional players, sponsored by Ladies Professional “Assembly”
Digital Certificates
  • TOP3 players of each tournament will receive a digital certificate.
Trophies, discord roles and D-Miles
  • The winner of TTK will receive a trophy and title of King on the server, until the next season.
  • The winner of TTQ will receive a trophy and title of Queen on the server, until the next season.
  • The winners of TTJ, TTS and TTM will receive TTSeries Winner role on the server, until the next season.
  • Players who will play all rounds will be rewarded 300 81Dojo points, called D-Miles.

Registration requirements

  • The Tourney To Series tournaments are made to popularize shogi abroad Japan. Therefore we require participants to be either non-Japanese citizen or to live outside of Japan
  • For tournaments above TTJ you must have a registered 81dojo account at least 3 months old that has non-provisional rating. Exceptions can be made if you have a history of an offline play or an older account on another website
  • If you have alternative accounts, input your highest rating. If have better rating on other website than 81dojo, discuss with organizer in private message about which tourney to join
  • Data given at registration (nicknames, country, preferred days etc.) will be publicly visible in TTSeries time zones google sheet
  • TTQ is a tournament reserved to female players. We notice there is disproportion in number of female players as to male players, so this tournament was made to encourage more female players to play shogi.
  • In case of not meeting all of the requirements, the organized reserves the right to exclude the player out of the tournament and / or deny the rewards

Detailed rules

Tournament and games
  • Tournament system for TTJ/TTS/TTM is Swiss system, 9 rounds. Winner is decided by Number of Wins and in case of draw, SOSW-1, then SOSOSW, followed by DC (find detailed table explanations on tournament page)
  • TTK and TTQ system depends on number of players participating, ideally being played with the same system. If else: round robin or double round robin system is used. Tie breaker: SODOSW then DC, then playing additional game
  • TTJ/TTS/TTM games are 15 min + 60 seconds byoyomi RATED played on 81dojo. Random colors
  • TTK games are 30 min + 60 seconds byoyomi NON-RATED, random colors; top two players will play additional 3-games title match to decide the title. Title match colors are: furigoma, reversed colors, furigoma. The players must have a webcam on (to be arranged with the organizer).
  • TTQ games are 15 min + 60 seconds byoyomi NON-RATED, random colors; top two players will play additional 3-games title match to decide the title with 30 min + 60 seconds byoyomi NON-RATED setting. Title match colors are: furigoma, reversed colors, furigoma
  • We strongly recommend to do post-game discussion: after you finish the game, have a chat with your opponent about mistakes made in the game
  • Keeping Shogi Manners is strongly encouraged
Arranging games
  • Remember to check for any updates or discuss any issues on the official discord server. Especially if there is big red circle next to the channel – it means you have been pinged personally or as a member of tournament. Check discord often!
  • Each round game is required to be played within 7 days from pairing list being updated. We expect you to schedule the game on discord within first 2-3 days. We recommend to schedule game on discord #match-arrangements, so we can see your contact attempts in case of dispute, but Direct Messages are acceptable. If a problem arises, contact the organizer and/or ask for an extension. Do not wait for the last moment, because you might lose a point for not being able to schedule before deadline. Additionally, if you ignore opponent’s attempts to contact for more than 2 days, you will be given half-warning-point.
  • Game schedule must be published on channel #scheduled-games by one of the players using time stamp.
  • Game result with game record URL must be published in proper format on channel #results-and-urls by the winner. The link appears after game in 81dojo’s lobby. Alternatively, you can access your past games through “my page” on 81dojo.
Draws / Other issues
  • Sennichite (repetition draw) is to be replayed immediately with swapped colors. If both players entered byoyomi, game is to be replayed in 60 seconds byoyomi, unrated. Both games need to be posted on discord.
  • 15 minutes no show up to scheduled game is considered a default loss
  • Repeated extensions / no game scheduled / no show ups / late scheduling will result in 2 warnings followed by forced withdraw from the tournament
  • In case of ex aequo in TOP3 position, the players will be required to play playoffs.
  • You can withdraw from the tournament at any point you like – just notify us! At the same time we recommend playing all the games, because more than result we want to concentrate on the aspect of regular play in competitive environment that helps you improve your shogi. And you will get D-Miles for finishing all games.
Illegal assistance/ Cheating
  • Using any type of shogi engine during the game / any external assistance to gain unfair advantage over your opponent (so called cheating) will result in withdraw from tournament and ban from server.

Pairings and results will be posted on this website under each tournament page in the main menu, with additional pings with direct links on the discord.

  • If you read all the rules, add “I will win!” at the end of your registration message.