Tourney To King

Season 9

Round 8/8

Click a category to expand; on mobile you can swipe finger to scroll the table’s content

Round 1 (until 17 March midnight UTC)

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
1Ilisarterana Ilisarter(4D)kazimierz_vn ryuu_ou(2D)1 – 0link
2Lilylionmane Lilylionm(3D)Tellmarch tellmarch.(5D)0 – 1link
3Melkor256 Melkor256(5D)Linken Linken_Skywalke(4D)0 – 1link
4chocowei myarisuchan(5D)Nimyu nimyu.(3D)1 – 0link
5cliffvine cliffvine(5D)Pouace_L_Isotaupe Poua(3D)1 – 0link
6goldie64 ChampionRed(2D)lighttodie XPL0S1ON(5D)0 – 1link

Round 2 (Until 24 March Midnight UTC)

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
1Tellmarch tellmarch.(5D)Ilisarterana Ilisarter(4D)1 – 0link
2Linken Linken_Skywalke(4D)cliffvine cliffvine(5D)1 – 0link
3lighttodie XPL0S1ON(5D)chocowei myarisuchan(5D)0 – 1link
4kazimierz_vn ryuu_ou(2D)Lilylionmane Lilylionm(3D)1 – 0link
5Pouace_L_Isotaupe Poua(3D)Melkor256 Melkor256(5D)0 – 1link
6Nimyu nimyu.(3D)goldie64 ChampionRed(2D)0-1! no game

Round 3 (until 31 March midnight UTC)

Be careful of time zone changes!

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
1Tellmarch tellmarch.(5D)Linken Linken_Skywalke(4D)0 – 1link
2chocowei myarisuchan(5D)Ilisarterana Ilisarter(4D)1 – 0link
3Melkor256 Melkor256(5D)goldie64 ChampionRed(2D)1 – 0link
4cliffvine cliffvine(5D)kazimierz_vn ryuu_ou(2D)1 – 0link
5Nimyu nimyu.(3D)lighttodie XPL0S1ON(5D)0 – 1link
6Pouace_L_Isotaupe Poua(3D)Lilylionmane Lilylionm(3D)0 – 1link

Round 4 (until 7 April midnight UTC)

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
1Linken Linken_Skywalke(4D)chocowei myarisuchan(5D)0 – 1link
2cliffvine cliffvine(5D)Melkor256 Melkor256(5D)0 – 1link
3lighttodie XPL0S1ON(5D)Tellmarch tellmarch.(5D)1 – 0link
4goldie64 ChampionRed(2D)kazimierz_vn ryuu_ou(2D)1 – 0link
5Ilisarterana Ilisarter(4D)Lilylionmane Lilylionm(3D)1 – 0link
6Pouace_L_Isotaupe Poua(3D)Nimyu nimyu.(3D)1-0! no game

Round 5 (until 14 April midnight UTC)

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
1lighttodie XPL0S1ON(5D)Linken Linken_Skywalke(4D)0 – 1link
2Melkor256 Melkor256(5D)chocowei myarisuchan(5D)0 – 1link
3Tellmarch tellmarch.(5D)cliffvine cliffvine(5D)0 – 1link
4Ilisarterana Ilisarter(4D)goldie64 ChampionRed(2D)1 – 0link
5kazimierz_vn ryuu_ou(2D)Pouace_L_Isotaupe Poua(3D)0 – 1link
6Lilylionmane Lilylionm(3D)Nimyu nimyu.(3D)1 – 0link


  • Nimyu nimyu.(3D): 1 warning point for no show up

Round 6 (until 28 April midnight UTC) – Longer Round

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
1Melkor256 Melkor256(5D)lighttodie XPL0S1ON(5D)0 – 1link
2chocowei myarisuchan(5D)cliffvine cliffvine(5D)1 – 0link
3Linken Linken_Skywalke(4D)Ilisarterana Ilisarter(4D)1 – 0link
4Pouace_L_Isotaupe Poua(3D)Tellmarch tellmarch.(5D)0 – 1link
5Lilylionmane Lilylionm(3D)goldie64 ChampionRed(2D)1 – 0link
6kazimierz_vn ryuu_ou(2D)Nimyu Nimyu(3D)0-0! no game

Round 7 (until 5 May midnight UTC)

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
1cliffvine cliffvine(5D)lighttodie XPL0S1ON(5D)0 – 1link
2chocowei myarisuchan(5D)Tellmarch tellmarch.(5D)1 – 0link
3Ilisarterana Ilisarter(4D)Melkor256 Melkor256(5D)0 – 1link
4Linken Linken_Skywalke(4D)Lilylionmane Lilylionm(3D)1 – 0link
5goldie64 ChampionRed(2D)Pouace_L_Isotaupe Poua(3D)1 – 0link


  • BYE kazimierz_vn ryuu_ou 2D
  • kazimierz_vn ryuu_ou(2D): warning point for no schedule/game
  • Nimyu nimyu.(3D): 2nd warning, forced withdraw

Round 8 (until 12 May midnight UTC)

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
1Tellmarch tellmarch.(5D)Melkor256 Melkor256(5D)1 – 0link
2cliffvine cliffvine(5D)Ilisarterana Ilisarter(4D)1 – 0link
3Lilylionmane Lilylionm(3D)chocowei myarisuchan(5D)1-0! no game
4Pouace_L_Isotaupe Poua(3D)Linken Linken_Skywalke(4D)0-1! no game
5lighttodie XPL0S1ON(5D)kazimierz_vn ryuu_ou(2D)1 – 0link

BYE goldie64 ChampionRed 2D

Notice after round 8:

  • Pouace_l_isotaupe: no show up 1 warning point
  • chocowei: 1/2 point for late schedule

Tournament ended with 8 rounds

Congratulations to the winner: Linken Linken_Skywalker(4D)!

The finalists – who played Best of 3 Title Match – were:

chocowei myarisuchan(5D) and Linken Linken_Skywalker(4D)

The main prize of professional teaching game and a trophy.

Games Results/Schedule:

Game 1: chocowei vs Linken (May 20, 2024)

Game 2: Linken vs chocowei (May 27, 2024)

Game 3: chocowei vs Linken (June 6, 2024)

 Num  Name 
Ilisarterana Ilisarterana
Lilylionmane Lilylionmane
Linken Linken_Skywalker
Melkor256 Melkor256
Nimyu nimyu.
Pouace_L_Isotaupe Pouace_L_Isotaupe
Tellmarch tellmarch.
chocowei myarisuchan
cliffvine cliffvine
10 goldie64 ChampionRed
11 kazimierz_vn ryuu_ou
12 lighttodie XPL0S1ON
Ilisarterana Ilisarterana 12+1010
Linken Linken_Skywalker 8+1010
Tellmarch tellmarch. 7+1010
chocowei myarisuchan 9+1010
cliffvine cliffvine 10+1010
lighttodie XPL0S1ON 11+1010
Lilylionmane Lilylionmane 3-0000
Melkor256 Melkor256 2-0000
Nimyu nimyu. 4-0000
10 Pouace_L_Isotaupe Pouace_L_Isotaupe 5-0000
11 goldie64 ChampionRed 6-0000
12 kazimierz_vn ryuu_ou 1-0000
 Num  Name R 1 R 2 NBWSOS-1SOSOSDC
Tellmarch tellmarch. 10+ 6+2160
chocowei myarisuchan 11+ 7+2160
Linken Linken_Skywalker 4+ 5+2140
Melkor256 Melkor256 3- 12+1240
cliffvine cliffvine 12+ 3-1240
Ilisarterana Ilisarterana 9+ 1-1220
lighttodie XPL0S1ON 8+ 2-1220
goldie64 ChampionRed 7- 11+1160
kazimierz_vn ryuu_ou 6- 10+1160
10 Lilylionmane Lilylionmane 1- 9-0220
11 Nimyu nimyu. 2- 8-0220
12 Pouace_L_Isotaupe Pouace_L_Isotaupe 5- 4-0140
 Num  Name R 1 R 2 R 3 NBWSOS-1SOSOSDC
Linken Linken_Skywalker 3+ 5+ 4+34130
chocowei myarisuchan 11+ 6+ 7+33160
Melkor256 Melkor256 1- 12+ 8+24150
Tellmarch tellmarch. 9+ 7+ 1-24150
cliffvine cliffvine 12+ 1- 10+24150
lighttodie XPL0S1ON 8+ 2- 11+24130
Ilisarterana Ilisarterana 10+ 4- 2-15120
goldie64 ChampionRed 6- 11+ 3-14140
Lilylionmane Lilylionmane 4- 10- 12+13140
10 kazimierz_vn ryuu_ou 7- 9+ 5-13130
11 Nimyu nimyu. 2- 8- 6-05110
12 Pouace_L_Isotaupe Pouace_L_Isotaupe 5- 3- 9-04110
 Num  Name R 1 R 2 R 3 R 4 NBWSOS-1SOSOSDC
chocowei myarisuchan 12+ 3+ 8+ 2+48370
Linken Linken_Skywalker 4+ 7+ 5+ 1-39330
lighttodie XPL0S1ON 6+ 1- 12+ 5+38340
Melkor256 Melkor256 2- 9+ 6+ 7+37320
Tellmarch tellmarch. 11+ 8+ 2- 3-28330
goldie64 ChampionRed 3- 12+ 4- 10+27330
cliffvine cliffvine 9+ 2- 10+ 4-27320
Ilisarterana Ilisarterana 10+ 5- 1- 11+27300
Pouace_L_Isotaupe Pouace_L_Isotaupe 7- 4- 11- 12+16320
10 kazimierz_vn ryuu_ou 8- 11+ 7- 6-16290
11 Lilylionmane Lilylionmane 5- 10- 9+ 8-15300
12 Nimyu nimyu. 1- 6- 3- 9-09290
 Num  Name R 1 R 2 R 3 R 4 R 5 NBWSOS-1SOSOSDC
chocowei myarisuchan 12+ 4+ 6+ 2+ 3+513710
Linken Linken_Skywalker 3+ 5+ 7+ 1- 4+414690
Melkor256 Melkor256 2- 9+ 8+ 5+ 1-314600
lighttodie XPL0S1ON 8+ 1- 12+ 7+ 2-313680
cliffvine cliffvine 9+ 2- 11+ 3- 7+311680
Ilisarterana Ilisarterana 11+ 7- 1- 10+ 8+311580
Tellmarch tellmarch. 10+ 6+ 2- 4- 5-213610
goldie64 ChampionRed 4- 12+ 3- 11+ 6-210670
Pouace_L_Isotaupe Pouace_L_Isotaupe 5- 3- 10- 12+ 11+29620
10 Lilylionmane Lilylionmane 7- 11- 9+ 6- 12+28620
11 kazimierz_vn ryuu_ou 6- 10+ 5- 8- 9-110510
12 Nimyu nimyu. 1- 8- 4- 9- 10-012530
 Num  Name R 1 R 2 R 3 R 4 R 5 R 6 NBWSOS-1SOSOSDC
chocowei myarisuchan 12+ 3+ 6+ 2+ 4+ 5+6181210
Linken Linken_Skywalker 4+ 5+ 7+ 1- 3+ 6+5191190
lighttodie XPL0S1ON 9+ 1- 12+ 7+ 2- 4+4191140
Melkor256 Melkor256 2- 10+ 9+ 5+ 1- 3-3201060
cliffvine cliffvine 10+ 2- 11+ 4- 7+ 1-3191080
Ilisarterana Ilisarterana 11+ 7- 1- 8+ 9+ 2-319980
Tellmarch tellmarch. 8+ 6+ 2- 3- 5- 10+3181050
Lilylionmane Lilylionmane 7- 11- 10+ 6- 12+ 9+311980
goldie64 ChampionRed 3- 12+ 4- 11+ 6- 8-2141030
10 Pouace_L_Isotaupe Pouace_L_Isotaupe 5- 4- 8- 12+ 11+ 7-2131040
11 kazimierz_vn ryuu_ou 6- 8+ 5- 9- 10- 12-113960
12 Nimyu Nimyu 1- 9- 3- 10- 8- 11-017880
 Num  Name R 1 R 2 R 3 R 4 R 5 R 6 R 7 NBWSOS-1SOSOSDC
chocowei myarisuchan12+ 3+ 7+ 2+ 4+ 6+ 5+7241910
Linken Linken_Skywalker 4+ 6+ 5+ 1- 3+ 7+ 8+6251840
lighttodie XPL0S1ON 9+ 1-12+ 5+ 2- 4+ 6+5261800
Melkor256 Melkor256 2-10+ 9+ 6+ 1- 3- 7+4271720
Tellmarch tellmarch. 8+ 7+ 2- 3- 6-10+ 1-3271720
cliffvine cliffvine10+ 2- 11+ 4- 5+ 1- 3-3271680
Ilisarterana Ilisarterana 11+ 5- 1- 8+ 9+ 2- 4-3261620
Lilylionmane Lilylionmane 5- 11-10+ 7- 12+ 9+ 2-3191580
goldie64 ChampionRed 3-12+ 4- 11+ 7- 8- 10+3191560
10 Pouace_L_Isotaupe Pouace_L_Isotaupe 6- 4- 8- 12+ 11+ 5- 9-2181610
11 kazimierz_vn ryuu_ou 7- 8+ 6- 9- 10- 12- 0+ 2141350
12 Nimyu Nimyu 1- 9- 3- 10- 8- 11- 0- 0221200
 Num  Name R 1 R 2 R 3 R 4 R 5 R 6 R 7 R 8 NBWSOS-1SOSOSDC
Linken Linken_Skywalker 5+ 6+ 4+ 2- 3+ 9+ 7+ 10+7322670
chocowei myarisuchan 12+ 3+ 9+ 1+ 5+ 6+ 4+ 7-7322650
lighttodie XPL0S1ON 8+ 2- 12+ 4+ 1- 5+ 6+ 11+6322440
Tellmarch tellmarch. 7+ 9+ 1- 3- 6- 10+ 2- 5+4352640
Melkor256 Melkor256 1- 10+ 8+ 6+ 2- 3- 9+ 4-4352560
cliffvine cliffvine 10+ 1- 11+ 5- 4+ 2- 3- 9+4332600
Lilylionmane Lilylionmane 4- 11- 10+ 9- 12+ 8+ 1- 2+4292370
goldie64 ChampionRed 3- 12+ 5- 11+ 9- 7- 10+ 0+ 4212110
Ilisarterana Ilisarterana 11+ 4- 2- 7+ 8+ 1- 5- 6-3342480
10 Pouace_L_Isotaupe Pouace_L_Isotaupe 6- 5- 7- 12+ 11+ 4- 8- 1-2292410
11 kazimierz_vn ryuu_ou 9- 7+ 6- 8- 10- 12- 0+ 3-2232070
12 Nimyu Nimyu 2- 8- 3- 10- 7- 11- 0- 0- 0251660

  • Started: March 11, 2024
  • Number of Rounds: 9 rounds
  • Tournament system: Swiss
  • Requirement: above 4 dan (>=1950 81dojo ELO points)
  • Time setting: 30 minutes + 60 seconds byoyomi, Unrated, Random colors
  • Tie breakers: SOSW-1, SOSOSW then DC (check “About Tie Breakers” for details)
  • Expected end: May 2024 then titlematches
  • At the end of the tournament players ranked 1st and 2nd enter a 3 games title match
  • Best of 2 wins. First game is fugiroma, second game is reversed colors, eventual third game is furigoma
  • Time setting: 30 minutes + 60 seconds byoyomi, Unrated
  • First place will get to play a handicap game against a professional player and a physical trophy.
  • TOP3 will get digital certificates
  • All players who play all 9 rounds will be awarded 300 DMiles on 81Dojo

Click pictures to expand

Bye points (free win because of odd number of players) is indicated by 0+ symbol.

Games of players who withdrew and didn’t play in given round are indicated with 0- symbol.