Tourney To Jouzu

Season 10

Tournament was held from September 9 to November 22, 2024. The winner is: DiptaRising!

The winners vs professional games will be scheduled after TTK title matches conclude.

Graduates: KenkouNoKen, Dinito, danseur (achieved rating) and DiptaRising (winner).

Feel free to share your feedback with us using this form: Season 10 feedback

Click a category to expand; on mobile you can swipe finger to scroll the table’s content

 Num  Name 
RC21 RC21
Dipta DiptaRising
CafeComMel CafeComMel
1Rook 1Rook
tomeiru KenkouNoKen
DarkNekros DarkNekros
pikrass Pik
dinitofinito Dinito
Monsterago Monsterago
10yumyumkaoripeachy YumnoKaori
11José Aurelio JoseAAI
12CIV SenseiCIV106
13danseur_main danseur
CafeComMel CafeComMel 12+1010
DarkNekros DarkNekros 9+1010
Dinito dinitofinito 10+1010
DiptaRising Dipta 13+1010
Pik pikrass 11+1010
RC21 RC21 8+1010
Joseaai Jose Aurelio 0+ 1000
1Rook 1Rook 6-0000
KenkouNoKen tomeiru 2-0000
10 Monsterago Monsterago 3-0000
11 SenseiCIV106 CIV 5-0000
12 YumnoKaori yumyumkaori 1-0000
13 danseur danseur_main 4-0000
 Num  Name R 1 R 2 NBWSOS-1SOSOSDC
DarkNekros DarkNekros 6+ 12+2160
DiptaRising Dipta 12+ 5+2160
Dinito dinitofinito 8+ 7+2150
Pik pikrass 11+ 9+2150
CafeComMel CafeComMel 13+ 2-1230
KenkouNoKen tomeiru 1- 13+1230
RC21 RC21 10+ 3-1230
Monsterago Monsterago 3- 0+ 1220
Joseaai Jose Aurelio 0+ 4-1210
10 1Rook 1Rook 7- 11+1160
11 SenseiCIV106 CIV 4- 10-0220
12 danseur danseur_main 2- 1-0220
13 Yumnokaori Yumyumkaori 5- 6-0140
 Num  Name R 1 R 2 R 3 NBWSOS-1SOSOSDC
DarkNekros DarkNekros 4+ 8+ 3+34170
DiptaRising Dipta 8+ 9+ 5+33150
Dinito dinitofinito 6+ 7+ 1-25110
KenkouNoKen tomeiru 1- 13+ 10+24120
Pik pikrass 12+ 11+ 2-24100
Monsterago Monsterago 3- 0+ 9+23120
RC21 RC21 10+ 3- 0+ 23110
danseur danseur_main 2- 1- 12+16130
CafeComMel CafeComMel 13+ 2- 6-15100
10 1Rook 1Rook 7- 12+ 4-14110
11 Joseaai Jose Aurelio 0+ 5- 0- 1240
12 SenseiCIV106 CIV 5- 10- 8-03140
13 Yumnokaori Yumnokaori_U 9- 4- 0- 0390
 Num  Name R 1 R 2 R 3 R 4 NBWSOS-1SOSOSDC
DiptaRising Dipta 6+ 9+ 4+ 2+48350
DarkNekros DarkNekros 7+ 6+ 3+ 1-39350
Dinito dinitofinito 8+ 5+ 2- 7+38320
Pik pikrass 13+ 12+ 1- 9+36290
RC21 RC21 10+ 3- 0+ 8+36240
danseur danseur_main 1- 2- 13+ 10+28340
KenkouNoKen tomeiru 2- 11+ 10+ 3-27310
Monsterago Monsterago 3- 0+ 9+ 5-27260
CafeComMel CafeComMel 11+ 1- 8- 4-19250
10 1Rook 1Rook 5- 13+ 7- 6-17290
11 Yumnokaori Yumnokaori_U 9- 7- 0- 13+13250
12 Joseaai Jose Aurelio 0+ 4- 0- 0- 1360
13 SenseiCIV106 CIV 4- 10- 6- 11-06240
 Num  Name R 1 R 2 R 3 R 4 R 5 NBWSOS-1SOSOSDC
DiptaRising Dipta 6+ 10+ 2+ 4+ 5+513700
Pik pikrass 11+ 13+ 1- 10+ 4+410590
RC21 RC21 9+ 5- 0+ 8+ 7+49510
DarkNekros DarkNekros 7+ 6+ 5+ 1- 2-315670
Dinito dinitofinito 8+ 3+ 4- 7+ 1-314640
danseur danseur_main 1- 4- 11+ 9+ 8+312640
KenkouNoKen tomeiru 4- 12+ 9+ 5- 3-212590
Monsterago Monsterago 5- 0+ 10+ 3- 6-211510
1Rook 1Rook 3- 11+ 7- 6- 12+210520
10 CafeComMel CafeComMel 12+ 1- 8- 2- 11-112530
11 SenseiCIV106 CIV 2- 9- 6- 12- 10+110540
12 Yumnokaori Yumnokaori_U 10- 7- 0- 11+ 9-16480
13 Joseaai Jose Aurelio 0+ 2- 0- 0- 0- 14110
 Num  Name R 1 R 2 R 3 R 4 R 5 R 6 NBWSOS-1SOSOSDC
DiptaRising Dipta 4+ 10+ 6+ 2+ 3+ 5+6201170
DarkNekros DarkNekros 7+ 4+ 3+ 1- 6- 9+4211120
Dinito dinitofinito 8+ 5+ 2- 7+ 1- 11+4201080
danseur danseur_main 1- 2- 11+ 9+ 8+ 6+4191080
RC21 RC21 9+ 3- 0+ 8+ 7+ 1-418890
Pik pikrass 11+ 13+ 1- 10+ 2+ 4-4161020
KenkouNoKen tomeiru 2- 12+ 9+ 3- 5- 10+3151070
Monsterago Monsterago 3- 0+ 10+ 5- 4- 12+314870
1Rook 1Rook 5- 11+ 7- 4- 12+ 2-2161030
10 CafeComMel CafeComMel 12+ 1- 8- 6- 11- 7-117940
11 SenseiCIV106 CIV 6- 9- 4- 12- 10+ 3-1151030
12 Yumnokaori Yumnokaori_U 10- 7- 0- 11+ 9- 8-110810
13 Joseaai Jose Aurelio 0+ 6- 0- 0- 0- 0- 14170
 Num  Name R 1 R 2 R 3 R 4 R 5 R 6 R 7 NBWSOS-1SOSOSDC
DiptaRising Dipta 4+ 11+ 6+ 5+ 2+ 3+ 7+7261810
Dinito dinitofinito 7+ 3+ 5- 8+ 1- 10+ 6+5261760
RC21 RC21 9+ 2- 0+ 7+ 8+ 1- 5+5251530
danseur danseur_main 1- 5- 10+ 9+ 7+ 6+ 12+5231680
DarkNekros DarkNekros 8+ 4+ 2+ 1- 6- 9+ 3-4291710
Pik pikrass 10+ 13+ 1- 11+ 5+ 4- 2-4241600
Monsterago Monsterago 2- 0+ 11+ 3- 4- 12+ 1-3241440
KenkouNoKen tomeiru 5- 12+ 9+ 2- 3- 11+ 10-3201680
1Rook 1Rook 3- 10+ 8- 4- 12+ 5- 11+3201640
10 SenseiCIV106 CIV 6- 9- 4- 12- 11+ 2- 8+2211590
11 CafeComMel CafeComMel 12+ 1- 7- 6- 10- 8- 9-1221570
12 Yumnokaori Yumnokaori_U 11- 8- 0- 10+ 9- 7- 4-1171350
13 Joseaai Jose Aurelio 0+ 6- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 14250
 Num  Name R 1 R 2 R 3 R 4 R 5 R 6 R 7 R 8 NBWSOS-1SOSOSDC
DiptaRising Dipta 3+ 11+ 5+ 6+ 2+ 4+ 8+ 7+8322610
Dinito dinitofinito 8+ 4+ 6- 7+ 1- 10+ 5+ 9+6312580
danseur danseur_main 1- 6- 10+ 9+ 8+ 5+ 12+ 4+6312510
RC21 RC21 9+ 2- 0+ 8+ 7+ 1- 6+ 3-5332310
Pik pikrass 10+ 13+ 1- 11+ 6+ 3- 2- 12+5302270
DarkNekros DarkNekros 7+ 3+ 2+ 1- 5- 9+ 4- 11-4362560
KenkouNoKen tomeiru 6- 12+ 9+ 2- 4- 11+ 10- 1-3312530
Monsterago Monsterago 2- 0+ 11+ 4- 3- 12+ 1- 10-3312170
1Rook 1Rook 4- 10+ 7- 3- 12+ 6- 11+ 2-3292530
10 SenseiCIV106 CIV 5- 9- 3- 12- 11+ 2- 7+ 8+3282450
11 CafeComMel CafeComMel 12+ 1- 8- 5- 10- 7- 9- 6+2292500
12 Yumnokaori Yumnokaori_U 11- 7- 0- 10+ 9- 8- 3- 5-1252150
13 Joseaai Jose Aurelio 0+ 5- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 15310
 Num  Name R 1 R 2 R 3 R 4 R 5 R 6 R 7 R 8 R 9 NBWSOS-1SOSOSDC
DiptaRising Dipta 2+ 11+ 5+ 6+ 3+ 4+ 10+ 7+ 8+9403650
danseur danseur_main 1- 6- 8+ 9+ 10+ 5+ 12+ 4+ 3+7413600
Dinito dinitofinito 10+ 4+ 6- 7+ 1- 8+ 5+ 9+ 2-6433610
RC21 RC21 9+ 3- 0+ 10+ 7+ 1- 6+ 2- 11+6393300
Pik pikrass 8+ 13+ 1- 11+ 6+ 2- 3- 12+ 9+6363340
DarkNekros DarkNekros 7+ 2+ 3+ 1- 5- 9+ 4- 11- 12+5433570
KenkouNoKen tomeiru 6- 12+ 9+ 3- 4- 11+ 8- 1- 10+4373630
SenseiCIV106 CIV 5- 9- 2- 12- 11+ 3- 7+ 10+ 1-3403560
1Rook 1Rook 4- 8+ 7- 2- 12+ 6- 11+ 3- 5-3393600
10 Monsterago Monsterago 3- 0+ 11+ 4- 2- 12+ 1- 8- 7-3383210
11 CafeComMel CafeComMel 12+ 1- 10- 5- 8- 7- 9- 6+ 4-2393520
12 Yumnokaori Yumnokaori_U 11- 7- 0- 8+ 9- 10- 2- 5- 6-1333200
13 Joseaai Jose Aurelio 0+ 5- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 16370

Round 1 (until September 15, midnight UTC)

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
11Rook 1Rook(8K)RC21 RC21(9K)0 – 1link
2CafeComMel CafeComMel(1K)YumnoKaori yumyumkaori(8K)1 – 0link
3KenkouNoKen tomeiru(1K)DarkNekros DarkNekros(9K)0 – 1link
4Dinito dinitofinito(7K)Monsterago Monsterago(10K)1 – 0link
5danseur danseur_main(6K)DiptaRising Dipta(9K)0 – 1link
6SenseiCIV106 CIV(1D)Pik pikrass(8K)0 – 1link

BYE José Aurelio JoseAAI

Round 2 (until September 22, midnight UTC)

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
1DiptaRising Dipta(9K)CafeComMel CafeComMel(1K)1 – 0link
2RC21 RC21(9K)Dinito dinitofinito(7K)0 – 1link
3Pik pikrass(8K)Joseaai Jose Aurelio(15K)1 – 0not played
4DarkNekros DarkNekros(9K)danseur danseur_main(6K)1 – 0not played
51Rook 1Rook(8K)SenseiCIV106 CIV(1D)1 – 0link
6Yumnokaori Yumyumkaori(8K)KenkouNoKen tomeiru(1K)0 – 1not played

BYE Monsterago Monsterago 10K

Dinito dinitofinito(7K): 1/2 point warning for late schedule

Round 3 (until September 30, midnight UTC)

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
1DarkNekros DarkNekros(9K)Dinito dinitofinito(7K)1 – 0link
2DiptaRising Dipta(9K)Pik pikrass(8K)1 – 0link
3Monsterago Monsterago(10K)CafeComMel CafeComMel(1K)1 – 0link
4KenkouNoKen tomeiru(1K)1Rook 1Rook(8K)1 – 0link
5SenseiCIV106 CIV(1D)danseur danseur_main(6K)0 – 1link

BYE RC21 RC21 9K

Joseaai Jose Aurelio(15K): no activity on the server, forced withdraw

YumnoKaori yumyumkaori(8K): on pause, technical issues

Round 4 (until October 7, midnight UTC)

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
1DiptaRising Dipta(9K)DarkNekros DarkNekros(9K)1 – 0link
2Dinito dinitofinito(7K)KenkouNoKen tomeiru(1K)1 – 0link
3Monsterago Monsterago(10K)RC21 RC21(9K)0 – 1link
4CafeComMel CafeComMel(1K)Pik pikrass(8K)0 – 1link
5danseur danseur_main(6K)1Rook 1Rook(8K)1 – 0link
6Yumnokaori Yumnokaori_(8K)SenseiCIV106 CIV(1D)1 – 0link

Yumnokaori Yumnokaori_(8K): came back, new discord nickname

Round 5 (until October 13 – midnight UTC)

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
1Dinito dinitofinito(7K)DiptaRising Dipta(9K)0 – 1link
2Pik pikrass(8K)DarkNekros DarkNekros(9K)1 – 0link
3RC21 RC21(9K)KenkouNoKen tomeiru(1K)1 – 0link
4danseur danseur_main(6K)Monsterago Monsterago(10K)1 – 0link
51Rook 1Rook(8K)Yumnokaori Yumnokaori_(8K)1-0! no game
6CafeComMel CafeComMel(1K)SenseiCIV106 CIV(1D)0 – 1link

Round 6 (until October 20, midnight UTC)

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
1RC21 RC21(9K)DiptaRising Dipta(9K)0 – 1link
2Pik pikrass(8K)danseur danseur_main(6K)0 – 1link
3DarkNekros DarkNekros(9K)1Rook 1Rook(8K)1 – 0link
4KenkouNoKen tomeiru(1K)CafeComMel CafeComMel(1K)1 – 0link
5SenseiCIV106 CIV(1D)Dinito dinitofinito(7K)0 – 1link
6Yumnokaori Yumnokaori_(8K)Monsterago Monsterago(10K)0-1! not played

Yumnokaori Yumnokaori_(8K): 1st and last warning point

Round 7 (until October 27, midnight UTC)

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
1DarkNekros DarkNekros(9K)RC21 RC21(9K)0 – 1not played
2Pik pikrass(8K)Dinito dinitofinito(7K)0 – 1link
3Monsterago Monsterago(10K)DiptaRising Dipta(9K)0 – 1link
41Rook 1Rook(8K)CafeComMel CafeComMel(1K)1 – 0link
5SenseiCIV106 CIV(1D)KenkouNoKen tomeiru(1K)1 – 0link
6danseur danseur_main(6K)Yumnokaori Yumnokaori_(8K)1 – 0link

Round 8 (until November 3, midnight UTC)

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
1RC21 RC21(9K)danseur danseur_main(6K)0 – 1link
2DiptaRising Dipta(9K)KenkouNoKen tomeiru(1K)1 – 0link
3Dinito dinitofinito(7K)1Rook 1Rook(8K)1 – 0link
4Monsterago Monsterago(10K)SenseiCIV106 CIV(1D)0 – 1link
5CafeComMel CafeComMel(1K)DarkNekros DarkNekros(9K)1-0! not played
6Yumnokaori Yumnokaori_(8K)Pik pikrass(8K)0 – 1link

Round 9 (until November 20, midnight UTC)

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
1Dinito dinitofinito(7K)danseur danseur_main(6K)0 – 1link
2KenkouNoKen tomeiru(1K)Monsterago Monsterago(10K)1 – 0no game
31Rook 1Rook(8K)Pik pikrass(8K)0 – 1not played
4SenseiCIV106 CIV(1D)DiptaRising Dipta(9K)0 – 1link
5CafeComMel CafeComMel(1K)RC21 RC21(9K)0 – 1link
6DarkNekros DarkNekros(9K)Yumnokaori Yumnokaori_(8K)1 – 0link

  • Started: September 9, 2024
  • Number of Rounds: 9 rounds
  • Tournament system: Swiss
  • Requirement: under 5 kyu (<1200 81dojo ELO points)
  • Time setting: 15m+60sec RATED, Random colors
  • Tie breakers: SOSW-1, SOSOSW then DC (check “About Tie Breakers” for details)
  • Expected end: December 2024
  • First place will get to play a handicap game against a professional player
  • TOP3 will get digital certificates
  • All players who play all 9 rounds will be awarded 300 DMiles on 81Dojo

Click pictures to expand

Bye points (free win because of odd number of players) is indicated by 0+ symbol.

Games of players who withdrew and didn’t play in given round are indicated with 0- symbol.