Tourney To King

Season 10

Tournament was held from September 9 to November 22, 2024. Title were played between Tellmarch and Melkor256.

And the King is Melkor256! After fierce final he took the title 2:1! Game records are replayable below:

The winners vs professional games will be scheduled soon. Check the latest news on discord!

Click a category to expand; on mobile you can swipe finger to scroll the table’s content

1Tellmarch tellmarch.(5D)
2Melkor256 Melkor256(5D)
3Vraqev nekohelicopter(3D)
4Linken linken_skywalke(5D)
5asadis asadis(4D)
6goldie64 ChampionRed(2D)
7Angelito angelito_sh(4D)
8OlivierP @Evargalo(4D)
Angelito angelito_sh 7+100
Linken linken_skywalke 6+100
Melkor256 Melkor256 9+100
Tellmarch tellmarch. 8+100
kazimierz_vn icefox._. 0+ 100
OlivierP @Evargalo 2-000
Vraqev nekohelicopter 1-000
asadis asadis 4-000
goldie64 ChampionRed 3-000

 Num  Name R 1 R 2 NBWSODOSDC
Linken linken_skywalke 4+ 0+ 210
Melkor256 Melkor256 7+ 9+210
kazimierz_vn icefox._. 0+ 6+210
OlivierP @Evargalo 1- 5+110
Angelito angelito_sh 8+ 4-100
Tellmarch tellmarch. 9+ 3-100
goldie64 ChampionRed 2- 8+100
Vraqev nekohelicopter 5- 7-000
asadis asadis 6- 2-000
 Num  Name R 1 R 2 R 3 NBWSODOSDC
Melkor256 Melkor256 8+ 7+ 4+340
Linken linken_skywalke 3+ 0+ 6+330
OlivierP @Evargalo 2- 6+ 8+220
kazimierz_vn icefox._. 0+ 5+ 1-220
Tellmarch tellmarch. 7+ 4- 0+ 210
Angelito angelito_sh 9+ 3- 2-100
asadis asadis 5- 1- 9+100
goldie64 ChampionRed 1- 9+ 3-100
Vraqev nekohelicopter 6- 8- 7-000
 Num  Name R 1 R 2 R 3 R 4 NBWSODOSDC
Melkor256 Melkor256 5+ 6+ 7+ 2-360
Tellmarch tellmarch. 6+ 7- 0+ 1+350
Linken linken_skywalke 4+ 0+ 8+ 5-340
OlivierP @Evargalo 3- 8+ 5+ 6-241
goldie64 ChampionRed 1- 9+ 4- 3+240
asadis asadis 2- 1- 9+ 4+230
kazimierz_vn icefox._. 0+ 2+ 1- 9-230
Angelito angelito_sh 9+ 4- 3- 0+ 210
Vraqev nekohelicopter 8- 5- 6- 7+120
 Num  Name R 1 R 2 R 3 R 4 R 5 NBWSODOSDC
Tellmarch tellmarch. 3+ 4- 0+ 2+ 9+481
Melkor256 Melkor256 8+ 3+ 4+ 1- 0+ 480
asadis asadis 1- 2- 9+ 7+ 5+360
kazimierz_vn icefox._. 0+ 1+ 2- 9- 7+360
Linken linken_skywalke 7+ 0+ 6+ 8- 3-350
Angelito angelito_sh 9+ 7- 5- 0+ 8+330
OlivierP @Evargalo 5- 6+ 8+ 3- 4-250
goldie64 ChampionRed 2- 9+ 7- 5+ 6-240
Vraqev nekohelicopter 6- 8- 3- 4+ 1-130
 Num  Name R 1 R 2 R 3 R 4 R 5 R 6 NBWSODOSDC
Tellmarch tellmarch. 5+ 3- 0+ 2+ 9+ 8+5111
Melkor256 Melkor256 7+ 5+ 3+ 1- 0+ 9+5110
kazimierz_vn icefox._. 0+ 1+ 2- 9- 8+ 6+4100
Angelito angelito_sh 9+ 8- 6- 0+ 7+ 5+470
asadis asadis 1- 2- 9+ 8+ 6+ 4-361
Linken linken_skywalke 8+ 0+ 4+ 7- 5- 3-360
goldie64 ChampionRed 2- 9+ 8- 6+ 4- 0+ 340
OlivierP @Evargalo 6- 4+ 7+ 5- 3- 1-270
Vraqev nekohelicopter 4- 7- 5- 3+ 1- 2-140
 Num  Name R 1 R 2 R 3 R 4 R 5 R 6 R 7 NBWSODOSDC
Tellmarch tellmarch. 5+ 4- 0+ 2+ 9+ 8+ 6+6170
Melkor256 Melkor256 7+ 5+ 4+ 1- 0+ 9+ 8+6150
Angelito angelito_sh 9+ 8- 6- 0+ 7+ 5+ 4+5130
kazimierz_vn icefox._. 0+ 1+ 2- 9- 8+ 6+ 3-4110
asadis asadis 1- 2- 9+ 8+ 6+ 3- 7+4100
Linken linken_skywalke 8+ 0+ 3+ 7- 5- 4- 1-370
goldie64 ChampionRed 2- 9+ 8- 6+ 3- 0+ 5-350
OlivierP @Evargalo 6- 3+ 7+ 5- 4- 1- 2-280
Vraqev nekohelicopter 3- 7- 5- 4+ 1- 2- 0+ 240
 Num  Name R 1 R 2 R 3 R 4 R 5 R 6 R 7 R 8 NBWSODOSDC
Tellmarch tellmarch. 4+ 5- 0+ 2+ 9+ 7+ 8+ 3+7250
Melkor256 Melkor256 6+ 4+ 5+ 1- 0+ 9+ 7+ 8+7210
Angelito angelito_sh 9+ 7- 8- 0+ 6+ 4+ 5+ 1-5150
asadis asadis 1- 2- 9+ 7+ 8+ 3- 6+ 0+ 5120
kazimierz_vn icefox._. 0+ 1+ 2- 9- 7+ 8+ 3- 6-4130
goldie64 ChampionRed 2- 9+ 7- 8+ 3- 0+ 4- 5+490
OlivierP @Evargalo 8- 3+ 6+ 4- 5- 1- 2- 9+3110
Linken linken_skywalke 7+ 0+ 3+ 6- 4- 5- 1- 2-380
Vraqev nekohelicopter 3- 6- 4- 5+ 1- 2- 0+ 7-240
 Num  Name R 1 R 2 R 3 R 4 R 5 R 6 R 7 R 8 R 9 NBWSODOSDC
Tellmarch tellmarch. 3+ 5- 0+ 2+ 9+ 6+ 8+ 4+ 7+8330
Melkor256 Melkor256 7+ 3+ 5+ 1- 0+ 9+ 6+ 8+ 4+8290
asadis asadis 1- 2- 9+ 6+ 8+ 4- 7+ 0+ 5+6180
Angelito angelito_sh 9+ 6- 8- 0+ 7+ 3+ 5+ 1- 2-5170
kazimierz_vn icefox._. 0+ 1+ 2- 9- 6+ 8+ 4- 7- 3-4150
OlivierP @Evargalo 8- 4+ 7+ 3- 5- 1- 2- 9+ 0+ 4120
goldie64 ChampionRed 2- 9+ 6- 8+ 4- 0+ 3- 5+ 1-4100
Linken linken_skywalke 6+ 0+ 4+ 7- 3- 5- 1- 2- 9-390
Vraqev nekohelicopter 4- 7- 3- 5+ 1- 2- 0+ 6- 8+370

Round 1 (until September 15, midnight UTC)

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
1Tellmarch tellmarch.(5D)asadis asadis(4D)1 – 0link
2Melkor256 Melkor256(5D)goldie64 ChampionRed(2D)1 – 0link
3Vraqev nekohelicopter(3D)Angelito angelito_sh(4D)0 – 1link
4Linken linken_skywalke(5D)OlivierP @Evargalo(4D)1 – 0link

BYE kazimierz_vn icefox._.

Round 2 (until September 22, midnight UTC)

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
1OlivierP @Evargalo(4D)Angelito angelito_sh(4D)1 – 0link
2goldie64 ChampionRed(2D)Vraqev nekohelicopter(3D)1 – 0link
3asadis asadis(4D)Melkor256 Melkor256(5D)0 – 1link
4kazimierz_vn icefox._.(3D)Tellmarch tellmarch.(5D)1 – 0link

BYE Linken linken_skywalke(5D)

Round 3 (until September 30, midnight UTC)

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
1Melkor256 Melkor256(5D)kazimierz_vn icefox._.(3D)1 – 0link
2asadis asadis(4D)Vraqev nekohelicopter(3D)1 – 0link
3OlivierP @Evargalo(4D)goldie64 ChampionRed(2D)1 – 0link
4Angelito angelito_sh(4D)Linken linken_skywalke(5D)0-1! not played

BYE Tellmarch tellmarch. 5D

updated round 1 games, deleted OlivierP @Evargalo(4D)’s warning

Round 4 (until October 7, midnight UTC)

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
1goldie64 ChampionRed(2D)Linken linken_skywalke(5D)1 – 0link
2asadis asadis(4D)OlivierP @Evargalo(4D)1 – 0link
3Vraqev nekohelicopter(3D)kazimierz_vn icefox._.(3D)1 – 0link
4Tellmarch tellmarch.(5D)Melkor256 Melkor256(5D)1 – 0link

BYE Angelito angelito_sh(4D)

Angelito angelito_sh(4D): 1st and last warning point!

Round 5 (until October 13, midnight UTC)

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
1Vraqev nekohelicopter(3D)Tellmarch tellmarch.(5D)0 – 1link
2kazimierz_vn icefox._.(3D)OlivierP @Evargalo(4D)1 – 0link
3BYEasadis asadis(4D)0 – 1
4Angelito angelito_sh(4D)goldie64 ChampionRed(2D)1 – 0link

BYE Melkor256 Melkor256(5D)

Linken linken_skywalke(5D): has withdrawn, all future games are treated as a second BYE

Round 6 (until October 20, midnight UTC)

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
1Angelito angelito_sh(4D)asadis asadis(4D)1 – 0link
2BYEkazimierz_vn icefox._.(3D)0 – 1
3OlivierP @Evargalo(4D)Tellmarch tellmarch.(5D)0 – 1link
4Melkor256 Melkor256(5D)Vraqev nekohelicopter(3D)1 – 0link

BYE goldie64 ChampionRed(2D)

Round 7 (until October 27, midnight UTC)

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
1OlivierP @Evargalo(4D)Melkor256 Melkor256(5D)0 – 1link
2Tellmarch tellmarch.(5D)BYE1 – 0
3kazimierz_vn icefox._.(3D)Angelito angelito_sh(4D)0 – 1link
4goldie64 ChampionRed(2D)asadis asadis(4D)0 – 1not played

BYE Vraqev nekohelicopter 3D

Round 8 (until November 3, midnight UTC)

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
1kazimierz_vn icefox._.(3D)goldie64 ChampionRed(2D)0 – 1link
2Tellmarch tellmarch.(5D)Angelito angelito_sh(4D)1 – 0link
3Melkor256 Melkor256(5D)BYE1 – 0
4Vraqev nekohelicopter(3D)OlivierP @Evargalo(4D)0 – 1link

BYE asadis asadis(4D)

Round 9 (until November 20, midnight UTC)

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
1BYEVraqev nekohelicopter(3D)0 – 1
2Angelito angelito_sh(4D)Melkor256 Melkor256(5D)0 – 1link
3goldie64 ChampionRed(2D)Tellmarch tellmarch.(5D)0 – 1link
4asadis asadis(4D)kazimierz_vn icefox._.(3D)1 – 0link

BYE OlivierP @Evargalo(4D)

  • Started: September 9, 2024
  • Number of Rounds: 9 rounds
  • Tournament system: Round Robin
  • Requirement: above 4 dan (>=1950 81dojo ELO points)
  • Time setting: 30 minutes + 60 seconds byoyomi, Unrated, Random colors
  • Tie breakers: SODOSW then DC then play game (check “About Tie Breakers” for details)
  • Expected end: December 2024 then title matches
  • At the end of the tournament players ranked 1st and 2nd enter a 3 games title match
  • Best of 2 wins. First game is fugiroma, second game is reversed colors, eventual third game is furigoma
  • Time setting: 30 minutes + 60 seconds byoyomi, Unrated
  • First place will get to play a handicap game against a professional player and a physical trophy.
  • TOP3 will get digital certificates
  • All players who play all 9 rounds will be awarded 300 DMiles on 81Dojo

Click pictures to expand

Bye points (free win because of odd number of players) is indicated by 0+ symbol.

Games of players who withdrew and didn’t play in given round are indicated with 0- symbol.