Tourney To Masters

Season 10

Round 0/9

Click a category to expand; on mobile you can swipe finger to scroll the table's content

Round 1 (until September 15, midnight UTC)

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
1DuduryuuouBR @SnowDrop(2D)Sirius0Black0 sirius0b(1D)1 - 0not played
2mizzuti mizzuti(2D)ETparty eliot565(3D)0 - 1link
3Maplesugarlover Maples(3D)EarTorpedo bg_opportun(1D)1 - 0link
4Tokyopeach rebeca7775(1D)ErwinSmith n.ilpotent(2D)0 - 1link
5Gerarduv gerarduv(2D)Zkid Zkid(1D)0 - 1link
6snowpiercerr snowpierc(2D)LedZeppelin junzinho_(3D)0 - 1link
7entelodont lambdaaurig(1D)MoonSae dinggalingga(2D)1 - 0link
8OliVandy OliVandy(1D)kkr5015 HaBuDeSu(3D)0 - 1link
9go_henro kil.361(1D)Radavit Tivi(2D)1 - 0not played
10jpages jpages(2D)Tatou tatougenial(2K)1 - 0link
11gosttone gosttone(2D)tuelyp tuelyp(1D)0 - 1link

Round 2 (until September 22, midnight UTC)

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
1tuelyp tuelyp(1D)DuduryuuouBR @SnowDrop(2D)0 - 1link
2ETparty eliot565(3D)jpages jpages(2D)1 - 0link
3LedZeppelin junzinho_(3D)entelodont lambdaaurig(1D)1 - 0link
4Zkid Zkid(1D)Maplesugarlover Maples(3D)0 - 1link
5kkr5015 HaBuDeSu(3D)go_henro kil.361(1D)1 - 0link
6ErwinSmith n.ilpotent(2D)snowpiercerr snowpierc(2D)1 - 0link
7EarTorpedo bg_opportun(1D)Gerarduv gerarduv(2D)1 - 0link
8MoonSae dinggalingga(2D)mizzuti mizzuti(2D)1 - 0link
9Radavit Tivi(2D)OliVandy OliVandy(1D)0 - 1no game
10gosttone gosttone(2D)Tokyopeach rebeca7775(1D)1 - 0link

BYE Tatou tatougenial 2K

Sirius0black0: withdraw

Round 3 (until September 30, midnight UTC)

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
1Maplesugarlover Maples(3D)LedZeppelin junzinho_(3D)0 - 1link
2kkr5015 HaBuDeSu(3D)ETparty eliot565(3D)1 - 0link
3DuduryuuouBR @SnowDrop(2D)ErwinSmith n.ilpotent(2D)1 - 0link
4entelodont lambdaaurig(1D)EarTorpedo bg_opportun(1D)1 - 0link
5OliVandy OliVandy(1D)tuelyp tuelyp(1D)1 - 0link
6Zkid Zkid(1D)MoonSae dinggalingga(2D)1 - 0link
7go_henro kil.361(1D)gosttone gosttone(2D)1 - 0link
8mizzuti mizzuti(2D)snowpiercerr snowpierc(2D)1 - 0link
9jpages jpages(2D)Gerarduv gerarduv(2D)0 - 1link

BYE Tokyopeach rebeca7775 1D

Radavit Tivi(2D): withdraw

Tatou tatougenial 2K: on pause until announced

Round 4 (until October 7, midnight UTC)

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
1LedZeppelin junzinho_(3D)DuduryuuouBR @SnowDrop(2D) 0 - 0not played
2ETparty eliot565(3D)OliVandy OliVandy(1D) 0 - 0not played
3entelodont lambdaaurig(1D)Zkid Zkid(1D) 0 - 0not played
4go_henro kil.361(1D)Maplesugarlover Maples(3D) 0 - 0not played
5ErwinSmith n.ilpotent(2D)kkr5015 HaBuDeSu(3D) 0 - 0not played
6MoonSae dinggalingga(2D)gosttone gosttone(2D) 0 - 0not played
7tuelyp tuelyp(1D)jpages jpages(2D) 0 - 0not played
8Tokyopeach rebeca7775(1D)mizzuti mizzuti(2D) 0 - 0not played
9Gerarduv gerarduv(2D)snowpiercerr snowpierc(2D) 0 - 0not played

BYE EarTorpedo bg_opportun 1D

Tatou tatougenial 2K: on pause until announced

Round 5 (until - midnight UTC)

Round 6 (until - midnight UTC)

Round 7 (until - midnight UTC)

Round 8 (until - midnight UTC)

Round 9 (until - midnight UTC)

1DuduryuuouBR @SnowDrop(2D)
2mizzuti mizzuti(2D)
3Maplesugarlover Maples(3D)
4Tokyopeach rebeca7775(1D)
5Gerarduv gerarduv(2D)
6snowpiercerr snowpierc(2D)
7entelodont lambdaaurig(1D)
8OliVandy OliVandy(1D)
9go_henro kil.361(1D)
10jpages jpages(2D)
11gosttone gosttone(2D)
12Sirius0Black0 sirius0b(1D)
13ETparty eliot565(3D)
14EarTorpedo bg_opportun(1D)
15ErwinSmith n.ilpotent(2D)
16Zkid Zkid(1D)
17LedZeppelin junzinho_(3D)
18MoonSae dinggalingga(2D)
19kkr5015 HaBuDeSu(3D)
20Radavit Tivi(2D)
21Tatou tatougenial(2K)
22tuelyp tuelyp(1D)
DuduryuuouBR @SnowDrop 17+1010
ETparty eliot565 21+1010
ErwinSmith n.ilpotent 19+1010
LedZeppelin junzinho_ 22+1010
Maplesugarlover Maples 12+1010
Zkid Zkid 13+1010
entelodont lambdaaurig 14+1010
go_henro kil.361 16+1010
jpages jpages 18+1010
10 kkr5015 HaBuDeSu 15+1010
11 tuelyp tuelyp 20+1010
12 EarTorpedo bg_opportun 5-0000
13 Gerarduv gerarduv 6-0000
14 MoonSae dinggalingga 7-0000
15 OliVandy OliVandy 10-0000
16 Radavit Tivi 8-0000
17 Sirius0Black0 sirius0b 1-0000
18 Tatou tatougenial 9-0000
19 Tokyopeach rebeca7775 3-0000
20 gosttone gosttone 11-0000
21 mizzuti mizzuti 2-0000
22 snowpiercerr snowpierc 4-0000
 Num  Name R 1 R 2 NBWSOS-1SOSOSDC
LedZeppelin junzinho_ 20+ 11+2170
ETparty eliot565 17+ 12+2160
DuduryuuouBR @SnowDrop 18+ 13+2150
Maplesugarlover Maples 7+ 9+2140
kkr5015 HaBuDeSu 8+ 10+2140
ErwinSmith n.ilpotent 19+ 20+2070
EarTorpedo bg_opportun 4- 21+1240
OliVandy OliVandy 5- 22+1240
Zkid Zkid 21+ 4-1240
10 go_henro kil.361 22+ 5-1240
11 entelodont lambdaaurig 14+ 1-1220
12 jpages jpages 16+ 2-1220
13 tuelyp tuelyp 15+ 3-1220
14 MoonSae dinggalingga 11- 17+1160
15 gosttone gosttone 13- 19+1160
16 Tatou Tatougenial 12- 0+ 1130
17 mizzuti mizzuti 2- 14-0220
18 Sirius0black0 Sirius0b 3- 0- 0210
19 Tokyopeach rebeca7775 6- 15-0210
20 snowpiercerr snowpierc 1- 6-0210
21 Gerarduv gerarduv 9- 7-0140
22 Radavit Tivi 10- 8-0140
 Num  Name R 1 R 2 R 3 NBWSOS-1SOSOSDC
LedZeppelin junzinho_ 20+ 6+ 4+34170
kkr5015 HaBuDeSu 5+ 7+ 8+34130
DuduryuuouBR @SnowDrop 22+ 11+ 9+33130
Maplesugarlover Maples 12+ 10+ 1-25130
OliVandy OliVandy 2- 21+ 11+24160
entelodont lambdaaurig 13+ 1- 12+24140
go_henro kil.361 21+ 2- 16+24140
ETparty eliot565 14+ 17+ 2-24130
ErwinSmith n.ilpotent 18+ 20+ 3-24120
10 Zkid Zkid 15+ 4- 13+23150
11 tuelyp tuelyp 16+ 3- 5-15110
12 EarTorpedo bg_opportun 4- 15+ 6-14150
13 MoonSae dinggalingga 6- 14+ 10-14120
14 mizzuti mizzuti 8- 13- 20+13160
15 Gerarduv gerarduv 10- 12- 17+13130
16 gosttone gosttone 11- 18+ 7-13130
17 jpages jpages 19+ 8- 15-13100
18 Tokyopeach rebeca7775 9- 16- 0+ 1380
19 Tatou Tatougenial 17- 0+ 0- 1140
20 snowpiercerr snowpierc 1- 9- 14-05110
21 Radavit Tivi 7- 5- 0- 0480
22 Sirius0black0 Sirius0b 3- 0- 0- 0330

  • Started: September 9, 2024
  • Number of Rounds: 9 rounds
  • Tournament system: Swiss
  • Requirement: 1-4 dan (>=1500 and <1950 81dojo ELO points)
  • Time setting: 15m+60sec RATED, Random colors
  • Tie breakers: SOSW-1, SOSOSW then DC (check "About Tie Breakers" for details)
  • Expected end: December 2024
  • First place will get to play a handicap game against a professional player
  • TOP3 will get digital certificates
  • All players who play all 9 rounds will be awarded 300 DMiles on 81Dojo

Click pictures to expand

Bye points (free win because of odd number of players) is indicated by 0+ symbol.

Games of players who withdrew and didn't play in given round are indicated with 0- symbol.