Tourney To Shodan

Season 10

Tournament was held from September 9 to November 22, 2024. The winner is: elisemel!

The winners vs professional games will be scheduled after TTK title matches conclude.

Graduates: Kronoz (achieved rating) and elisemel (winner).

Feel free to share your feedback with us using this form: Season 10 feedback

Click a category to expand; on mobile you can swipe finger to scroll the table’s content

NumPlayer 1
1Beer_Bear quma1842(1K)
2EmperorPotato puducrat(4K)
3Kronoz Kronos(2K)
4ThePharmacist thepharm(1K)
5drlennon DrLennon(5K)
6lady_cloche sarracenia(5K)
7enes cio61(1K)
8x_angy_x Angeli-k(3K)
9Schkolnik schkolnik(1K)
10rmorisset Robin Moriss(5K)
11Secariel Secariel(5K)
12elisemel elise_mel(1K)
Beer_Bear quma1842 12+1010
Kronoz Kronos 11+1010
Schkolnik schkolnik 7+1010
ThePharmacist thepharm 8+1010
elisemel elise_mel 9+1010
lady_cloche sarracenia 10+1010
EmperorPotato puducrat 3-0000
Secariel Secariel 4-0000
drlennon DrLennon 5-0000
10 enes cio61 6-0000
11 rmorisset Robin Moriss 2-0000
12 x_angy_x Angeli-k 1-0000
 Num  Name R 1 R 2 NBWSOS-1SOSOSDC
ThePharmacist thepharm 10+ 8+2160
Kronoz Kronos 7+ 5+2140
elisemel elise_mel 6+ 4+2140
Beer_Bear quma1842 12+ 3-1240
Schkolnik schkolnik 11+ 2-1240
drlennon DrLennon 3- 12+1240
rmorisset Robin Moriss 2- 11+1240
lady_cloche sarracenia 9+ 1-1220
enes cio61 8- 10+1160
10 Secariel Secariel 1- 9-0220
11 EmperorPotato puducrat 5- 7-0140
12 x_angy_x Angeli-k 4- 6-0140
 Num  Name R 1 R 2 R 3 NBWSOS-1SOSOSDC
Kronoz Kronos 2+ 6+ 3+34130
rmorisset Robin Moriss 1- 11+ 4+25160
ThePharmacist thepharm 8+ 10+ 1-24160
elisemel elise_mel 9+ 5+ 2-24120
Beer_Bear quma1842 12+ 4- 10+23160
Schkolnik schkolnik 11+ 1- 12+23160
enes cio61 10- 8+ 9+22140
Secariel Secariel 3- 7- 11+14130
drlennon DrLennon 4- 12+ 7-14130
10 lady_cloche sarracenia 7+ 3- 5-14110
11 EmperorPotato puducrat 6- 2- 8-04120
12 x_angy_x Angeli-k 5- 9- 6-04100
 Num  Name R 1 R 2 R 3 R 4 NBWSOS-1SOSOSDC
Kronoz Kronos 3+ 6+ 4+ 2-39310
elisemel elise_mel 9+ 8+ 3- 1+38360
rmorisset Robin Moriss 1- 12+ 2+ 9+37380
ThePharmacist thepharm 7+ 10+ 1- 6+37350
enes cio61 10- 7+ 9+ 8+35350
Schkolnik schkolnik 12+ 1- 11+ 4-27320
Secariel Secariel 4- 5- 12+ 10+27320
Beer_Bear quma1842 11+ 2- 10+ 5-27300
drlennon DrLennon 2- 11+ 5- 3-19270
10 lady_cloche sarracenia 5+ 4- 8- 7-18290
11 x_angy_x Angeli-k 8- 9- 6- 12+15330
12 EmperorPotato puducrat 6- 3- 7- 11-07260
 Num  Name R 1 R 2 R 3 R 4 R 5 NBWSOS-1SOSOSDC
Kronoz Kronos 4+ 5+ 2+ 3- 7+413671
ThePharmacist thepharm 6+ 8+ 1- 5+ 3+413670
elisemel elise_mel 10+ 9+ 4- 1+ 2-313650
rmorisset Robin Moriss 1- 12+ 3+ 10+ 5-312650
Schkolnik schkolnik 12+ 1- 11+ 2- 4+312640
Secariel Secariel 2- 7- 12+ 8+ 9+311650
enes cio61 8- 6+ 10+ 9+ 1-311620
lady_cloche sarracenia 7+ 2- 9- 6- 11+212600
Beer_Bear quma1842 11+ 3- 8+ 7- 6-211610
10 drlennon DrLennon 3- 11+ 7- 4- 12+210610
11 x_angy_x Angeli-k 9- 10- 5- 12+ 8-19590
12 EmperorPotato puducrat 5- 4- 6- 11- 10-011540
 Num  Name R 1 R 2 R 3 R 4 R 5 R 6 NBWSOS-1SOSOSDC
Kronoz Kronos 4+ 5+ 2+ 3- 8+ 6+5181171
ThePharmacist thepharm 6+ 7+ 1- 5+ 3+ 4+5181170
elisemel elise_mel 10+ 9+ 4- 1+ 2- 5+4191100
rmorisset Robin Moriss 1- 12+ 3+ 10+ 5- 2-3191130
Schkolnik schkolnik 12+ 1- 11+ 2- 4+ 3-3191120
Secariel Secariel 2- 8- 12+ 7+ 9+ 1-3191090
lady_cloche sarracenia 8+ 2- 9- 6- 11+ 10+3161021
enes cio61 7- 6+ 10+ 9+ 1- 11-3161020
Beer_Bear quma1842 11+ 3- 7+ 8- 6- 12+3151060
10 drlennon DrLennon 3- 11+ 8- 4- 12+ 7-2151060
11 x_angy_x Angeli-k 9- 10- 5- 12+ 7- 8+2141010
12 Emperorpotato Puducrat 5- 4- 6- 11- 10- 9-0141010
 Num  Name R 1 R 2 R 3 R 4 R 5 R 6 R 7 NBWSOS-1SOSOSDC
Kronoz Kronos 5+ 4+ 2+ 3- 9+ 6+ 7+6241860
ThePharmacist thepharm 6+ 7+ 1- 4+ 3+ 5+ 8+6241830
elisemel elise_mel 11+ 8+ 5- 1+ 2- 4+ 9+5251730
Schkolnik schkolnik 12+ 1- 10+ 2- 5+ 3- 6+4261720
rmorisset Robin Moriss 1- 12+ 3+ 11+ 4- 2- 10-3271630
Secariel Secariel 2- 9- 12+ 7+ 8+ 1- 4-3251750
lady_cloche sarracenia 9+ 2- 8- 6- 10+ 11+ 1-3241640
Beer_Bear quma1842 10+ 3- 7+ 9- 6- 12+ 2-3231710
enes cio61 7- 6+ 11+ 8+ 1- 10- 3-3231660
10 x_angy_x Angeli-k 8- 11- 4- 12+ 7- 9+ 5+3191650
11 drlennon DrLennon 3- 10+ 9- 5- 12+ 7- 0+ 3171460
12 Emperorpotato Puducrat 4- 5- 6- 10- 11- 8- 0- 0191370
 Num  Name R 1 R 2 R 3 R 4 R 5 R 6 R 7 R 8 NBWSOS-1SOSOSDC
Kronoz Kronos 9+ 4+ 2+ 3- 5+ 10+ 6+ 11+7302690
ThePharmacist thepharm 10+ 6+ 1- 4+ 3+ 9+ 11+ 7-6312621
elisemel elise_mel 8+ 11+ 9- 1+ 2- 4+ 5+ 10+6312620
Schkolnik schkolnik 12+ 1- 7+ 2- 9+ 3- 10+ 8-4332440
enes cio61 6- 10+ 8+ 11+ 1- 7- 3- 9+4312540
lady_cloche sarracenia 5+ 2- 11- 10- 7+ 8+ 1- 0+ 4312220
x_angy_x Angeli-k 11- 8- 4- 12+ 6- 5+ 9+ 2+4282470
drlennon DrLennon 3- 7+ 5- 9- 12+ 6- 0+ 4+4252160
Rmorisset Robin Moriss 1- 12+ 3+ 8+ 4- 2- 7- 5-3352420
10 Secariel Secariel 2- 5- 12+ 6+ 11+ 1- 4- 3-3342540
11 Beer_Bear quma1842 7+ 3- 6+ 5- 10- 12+ 2- 1-3342490
12 Emperorpotato Puducrat 4- 9- 10- 7- 8- 11- 0- 0- 0211890
 Num  Name R 1 R 2 R 3 R 4 R 5 R 6 R 7 R 8 R 9 NBWSOS-1SOSOSDC
elisemel elise_mel 4+ 8+ 11- 2+ 3- 9+ 5+ 7+ 6+7393641
Kronoz Kronos 11+ 9+ 3+ 1- 5+ 7+ 6+ 8+ 4-7393640
ThePharmacist thepharm 7+ 6+ 2- 9+ 1+ 11+ 8+ 10- 5+7383670
drlennon DrLennon 1- 10+ 5- 11- 12+ 6- 0+ 9+ 2+5333090
enes cio61 6- 7+ 4+ 8+ 2- 10- 1- 11+ 3-4423550
lady_cloche sarracenia 5+ 3- 8- 7- 10+ 4+ 2- 0+ 1-4423200
Secariel Secariel 3- 5- 12+ 6+ 8+ 2- 9- 1- 10+4413531
Beer_Bear quma1842 10+ 1- 6+ 5- 7- 12+ 3- 2- 9+4413530
Schkolnik schkolnik 12+ 2- 10+ 3- 11+ 1- 7+ 4- 8-4413370
10 x_angy_x Angeli-k 8- 4- 9- 12+ 6- 5+ 11+ 3+ 7-4353460
11 Rmorisset Robin Moriss 2- 12+ 1+ 4+ 9- 3- 10- 5- 0- 3383030
12 Emperorpotato Puducrat 9- 11- 7- 10- 4- 8- 0- 0- 0- 0242290

Round 1 (until September 15, midnight UTC)

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
1Beer_Bear quma1842(1K)x_angy_x Angeli-k(3K)1 – 0link
2EmperorPotato puducrat(4K)Schkolnik schkolnik(1K)0 – 1playshogi link
3Kronoz Kronos(2K)rmorisset Robin Moriss(5K)1 – 0link
4ThePharmacist thepharm(1K)Secariel Secariel(5K)1 – 0link
5drlennon DrLennon(5K)elisemel elise_mel(1K)0 – 1link
6lady_cloche sarracenia(5K)enes cio61(1K)1 – 0link

Round 2 (until September 22, midnight UTC)

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
1elisemel elise_mel(1K)Beer_Bear quma1842(1K)1 – 0link
2Schkolnik schkolnik(1K)Kronoz Kronos(2K)0 – 1link
3lady_cloche sarracenia(5K)ThePharmacist thepharm(1K)0 – 1link
4rmorisset Robin Moriss(5K)EmperorPotato puducrat(4K)1 – 0link
5enes cio61(1K)Secariel Secariel(5K)1 – 0link
6x_angy_x Angeli-k(3K)drlennon DrLennon(5K)0 – 1link

Round 3 (until September 30, midnight UTC)

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
1ThePharmacist thepharm(1K)Kronoz Kronos(2K)0 – 1link
2rmorisset Robin Moriss(5K)elisemel elise_mel(1K)1 – 0link
3Beer_Bear quma1842(1K)lady_cloche sarracenia(5K)1 – 0link
4enes cio61(1K)drlennon DrLennon(5K)1 – 0link
5Schkolnik schkolnik(1K)x_angy_x Angeli-k(3K)1 – 0link
6Secariel Secariel(5K)EmperorPotato puducrat(4K)1 – 0not played

Round 4 (until October 7, midnight UTC)

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
1Kronoz Kronos(2K)elisemel elise_mel(1K)0 – 1link
2Schkolnik schkolnik(1K)ThePharmacist thepharm(1K)0 – 1link
3enes cio61(1K)Beer_Bear quma1842(1K)1 – 0link
4drlennon DrLennon(5K)rmorisset Robin Moriss(5K)0 – 1link
5Secariel Secariel(5K)lady_cloche sarracenia(5K)1 – 0link
6x_angy_x Angeli-k(3K)EmperorPotato puducrat(4K)1 – 0link

EmperorPotato puducrat(4K): 1st and last warning point!

Round 5 (until October 13 – midnight UTC)

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
1elisemel elise_mel(1K)ThePharmacist thepharm(1K)0 – 1link
2Kronoz Kronos(2K)enes cio61(1K)1 – 0link
3rmorisset Robin Moriss(5K)Schkolnik schkolnik(1K)0 – 1link
4Beer_Bear quma1842(1K)Secariel Secariel(5K)0 – 1link
5x_angy_x Angeli-k(3K)lady_cloche sarracenia(5K)0 – 1link
6EmperorPotato puducrat(4K)drlennon DrLennon(5K)0 – 1link

Round 6 (until October 20, midnight UTC)

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
1ThePharmacist thepharm(1K)rmorisset Robin Moriss(5K)1 – 0link
2elisemel elise_mel(1K)Schkolnik schkolnik(1K)1 – 0link
3Secariel Secariel(5K)Kronoz Kronos(2K)0 – 1link
4lady_cloche sarracenia(5K)drlennon DrLennon(5K)1 – 0link
5enes cio61(1K)x_angy_x Angeli-k(3K)0 – 1link
6Emperorpotato Puducrat(4K)Beer_Bear quma1842(1K)0-1! not played

Round 7 (until October 27, midnight UTC)

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
1Schkolnik schkolnik(1K)Secariel Secariel(5K)1 – 0link
2Kronoz Kronos(2K)lady_cloche sarracenia(5K)1 – 0link
3elisemel elise_mel(1K)enes cio61(1K)1 – 0link
4ThePharmacist thepharm(1K)Beer_Bear quma1842(1K)1 – 0link
5x_angy_x Angeli-k(3K)rmorisset Robin Moriss(5K)1 – 0not played

BYE drlennon DrLennon 5K

Emperorpotato Puducrat(4K): forced withdraw

Round 8 (until November 3, midnight UTC)

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
1Rmorisset Robin Moriss(5K)enes cio61(1K)0-1! not played
2Secariel Secariel(5K)elisemel elise_mel(1K)0 – 1link
3Beer_Bear quma1842(1K)Kronoz Kronos(2K)0 – 1link
4ThePharmacist thepharm(1K)x_angy_x Angeli-k(3K)0 – 1link
5drlennon DrLennon(5K)Schkolnik schkolnik(1K)1 – 0link

BYE Secariel Secariel(5K)

rmorisset Robin Moriss(5K): first and last warning

Round 9 (until November 20, midnight UTC)

Table NrPlayer 1Player 2ResultURL
1enes cio61(1K)ThePharmacist thepharm(1K)0 – 1link
2lady_cloche sarracenia(5K)elisemel elise_mel(1K)0 – 1link
3drlennon DrLennon(5K)Kronoz Kronos(2K)1 – 0link
4x_angy_x Angeli-k(3K)Secariel Secariel(5K)0 – 1link
5Beer_Bear quma1842(1K)Schkolnik schkolnik(1K)1 – 0link

rmorisset Robin Moriss(5K): 2nd warning, forced withdraw

  • Started: September 9, 2024
  • Number of Rounds: 9 rounds
  • Tournament system: Swiss
  • Requirement: under 1 dan (>=1200 & <1500 81dojo ELO points)
  • Time setting: 15m+60sec RATED, Random colors
  • Tie breakers: SOSW-1, SOSOSW then DC (check “About Tie Breakers” for details)
  • Expected end: December 2024
  • First place will get to play a handicap game against a professional player
  • TOP3 will get digital certificates
  • All players who play all 9 rounds will be awarded 300 DMiles on 81Dojo

Click pictures to expand

Bye points (free win because of odd number of players) is indicated by 0+ symbol.

Games of players who withdrew and didn’t play in given round are indicated with 0- symbol.