Title: Get strong at shogi series: 3 moves tsume

Author: Japanese Shogi Association

Editor: Mynavi

Format: manga size (tankoubon)

Number of pages: 240

Link to buy the book: https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/4839965765

Don’t be fooled cause there is Fujii Souta on the cover. This book has been written by the Japanese Shogi Association and Fujii Souta recommends it. The goal of this book is to get strong at resolving 3 moves tsume shogi (shogi check mate) problems and learn some basic patterns. Although is written in Japanese, you can use Google Translation or similar apps on you mobile device to translate the explanations or simply resolve the problems and look the solutions. The book has 5 sections: The first pages explains the rules of tsume shogi (check mate) problems and what are 3 moves tsume shogi.

  • 1st section explains how to resolve 3 moves tsume shogi problems from what you have learnt in the “Get strong at shogi series: 1 move tsume shogi” problems book.
  • 2nd section gives us some tips on resolving 3 moves tsume shogi problems.
  • 3rd section has 50 3 moves tsume shogi problems by pattern. Each problem has a title which describes the type of pattern used. The solution is behind, with a sentence which helps to remember how to resolve this kind of tsume shogi, the solution and an explanation.
  • 4th section has 140 3 moves tsume shogi problems to resolve. The solution is behind, with a sentence which helps to remember how to resolve this kind of tsume shogi, the solution and an explanation.
  • 5th section has 10 advance 3 moves tsume shogi problems to challenge you.

If you finished the “Get strong at shogi series: 1 move tsume”, this book will continue with your learning on how to get stronger at more advance tsume shogi and I recommend it (like Fujii Souta does).

Written by DarkNekros

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